Medea on Prozac

Medea on Prozac

Dyna Kassir’s essay is a collection of speculative thoughts, diverse and scattered but many times blended and regrouped, inspired by the 2008 movie “Slumdog Millionaires” directed by Danny Boyle.

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Jack’s a Martian

Jack’s a Martian

People usually escape from their troubles into the future; they draw an imaginary line across the path of time, a line beyond which their current…

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Surviving in Michoacán

Surviving in Michoacán

“Four men got out of the van,” Carmen told Detective Ruiz who looked like he spent more time across the street at the Gorditas Doña…

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The Ears Have It

The Ears Have It

At some point, I began noticing people’s ears. One man wore tiny, square, rimless reading glasses. His long brown hair was tied in a bun,…

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The Hawk

The Hawk

Jeff Mason hung up the store phone, pleased. He’d convinced a brokerage firm downtown to hold a Hawaiian Nights event; every employee at the brokerage…

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Crooked Aesthetics

Crooked Aesthetics

It is 2012. My youth group in church does not invite me to a party because they think I am too weird, and that my…

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It’s 5 AM. Somewhere in the climax of your dream you had an anxiety attack. So you wake up – exhausted from sleep apnea, acidity…

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The snow falls forever

The snow falls forever

Woken again in the fifth hour to darkness, and memories of a shattered voice who cannot leave his lover, and from the pretty recent past…

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a timeworn legend, this is regarding an avowal of destiny and karma, or call it, kismet and fate that assure nothing but, a soul mate…

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Madonna of the blue sky

Madonna of the blue sky

long finger-nails  cream hands  and a smile that drives you to hell and beyond, there’s a boy out there who  calls me Madonna  we’re back…

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Body Oriented

Body Oriented

Reassurance rests on the tendon joining humerus to ulna and brother radius, a plain broad enough to set up cup and saucer in the correct…

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