Through the Sea Black as Tar

Through the Sea Black as Tar

I cannot reach you…


If the waves would rise

on the first day of September

a Prince of Venice will depart

down the sea black as tar.

One pier will sail forever in my eyes.


I would like to meet you

there in a place where

echoes Venice of your poems.

But I am just watching

the surface of sea black as tar.


I cannot reach you

nor on the square of doves

in which my feet

crossed over your traces;

Now is the another time


and I will not bring to you

my twilights in the hands;

It played the imagination.

Just one pier will sail

forever in my eyes




just Prince of Venice will depart

down the sea black as tar.

If the waves would rise

on the first day of September


leave my twilights alone

and let them not dirty

of the last coin thrown

into the sea black as tar.


Let just random walker

in passing observes them.

One pier will sail forever

through the sea black as tar.