the night jaygopal found a swastika on his window

the night jaygopal found a swastika on his window

in my dream, my brain 
talks about brains
being more or less the same, 
resembling kidney beans, 
sprouting web-like dendrites, 
wired for synaptic connection,
passing signals cell to cell 
through axons,
rosette-tipped, purring 
like walnut-shaped machines
wrapped in soft folding,
packed like cauliflower.
don’t forget: human brains surpass 
the brains of all other creatures.
i tell my brain to shut up.
obviously the stupid bastards
know shit about biology,
seeing difference like smoke 
in Oz, shadows on the cave wall. if
their brains had fuses
i would light them, delight 
in the eruptions, watch the wind 
scatter the neural remains, 
and only then dare 
to hope the far-flung ash 
might fall back and reform 
into brains more worthy 
of kinship.


Image: Photo by Osman Rana on Unsplash